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What should I expect?

Lessons are a very personalized experience. Piano lessons are also very collaborative as your progress is determined by the type of time and effort you put into it. What you may expect will vary with age, too.

Students ages five to early teen years can anticipate being led through a well-rounded musical education, equipping them with the foundations of music and piano study, and developping these skills consistently to the next level. If there is anything in particular you would like your child to focus on (for example, pursuing Royal Conservatory exams, competing in Moose Jaw Music Festival, or competing in student composition contests) please let me know and/or respond as I make these options known.

Teenaged and adult students can anticipate giving full input as to the direction they would like to take, although I will always have ideas and music to help advance you in the case that you are uncertain. :)  

Lesson Length

30 minutes

Suggested for beginning students ages 6-8 or as a basic lesson length.

45 minutes

Suggested for students ages 8 and up who want to learn more or take RCM exams.

60 minutes

Suggested for students who want to go in depth or take RCM exams.

If your child is of pre-reading/writing age please contact me to discuss if lessons would be a good fit.

This article is also a helpful resource: How to tell if your child is ready to start piano lessons.



Please contact me to request information on rates.

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